
We’re Stache.

We believe in a collaborative and sustainable world where people share the excess space they already have that would otherwise go unused. We’ve built a platform for you to market your free space and turn it into a month’s mortgage, or to cover utility bills for the year. It might not sound like much, but when one in ten American families uses self-storage, it adds up to over $40 billion spent each year. That’s serious money that should stay in our communities. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, our sweet mustache logo represents something more – 10% of our revenue each month is donated to local charities with an emphasis on those fighting cancer.

Store With Us, Make a Difference

Our logo is more than just a play on the word “stash”– it represents the fight against cancer. We thought it would be cool if we could donate a meaningful percentage of our revenues to causes we care about – so we’re doing just that. We’ve taken a huge but unremarkable industry – self-storage – and turned it on its head, giving greater meaning to the dollars spent by Americans.

It turns out a lot of people liked the concept, too. We’re now partnered with charities across the country focused on the fight against cancer and other great causes.

Meet some of our partners:

Store Local, Spend Local

Communities matter, small businesses matter, you matter. Local business is the very bedrock of our great nation and yet we’ve strayed away from that. In a time where we can order anything we want online from a single website, summon a driver to our exact location, or have food delivered directly to our door, is it any wonder we’ve gotten away from spending locally and supporting our community? At Stache, every dollar you spend on our platform is a dollar that stays in your community, instead of going to a storage corporation. In storing with us, you’re choosing to speak with the only thing corporate America really cares about: your wallet. Join us in the movement to keep spending local!

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